Академическая Работа
в Нидерландах

PhD position The added value of local entrepreneurship in retailing, University of Groningen

University of Groningen

Зарплата 2325 - 2972 евро/мес.
Контракт 1 + 3 года.
Город Гронинген, Нидерланды.
Место работы University of Groningen
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The PhD candidate should have a background (MSc, research master) in marketing or a discipline related to the topic described above, such as retailing, entrepreneurship, business & management, economics, or another relevant discipline within social sciences, including a strong training in research methods.

Условия работы:
Fixed-term contract: 48 maanden.

We offer you in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities:
- a gross monthly starting salary of € 2,325 which increases yearly to a maximum of € 2,972
- a holiday allowance of 8% gross annual income each year in May
- an 8.3% year-end bonus in December
- a temporary full-time appointment for a period of four years, under the condition of a positive assessment at the end of the first year.
An assessment may be part of the procedure, consisting of psychological tests and an interview. Starting date: 1 September 2020 or slightly later if agreed upon by both parties.

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