Академическая Работа
в Нидерландах

PhD student on implementation of AI solutions to improve cancer outcomes Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Tilburg University

Tilburg University

Зарплата 2325 - 2972 евро/мес.
Контракт 1 + 3 года.
Город Тилюург, Нидерланды.
Место работы Tilburg University
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  • Master’s degree in data science or a closely related discipline; 
  • A passion for data visualisation.
  • Fluency in spoken English and excellent writing skills in English;
  • Programming skills (Python, Matlab, R) and a keen interest in organizing large data collections are an important asset;
  • Experience with neuroimaging data is a plus;
  • Willingness and proven ability to work independently.
Условия работы:

Fixed-term contract: Period of 12 months, possible continuation with another 36 months.

Tilburg University is among the top Dutch employers and has an excellent policy concerning terms of employment. The collective employment terms and conditions for Dutch universities will apply.
The appointment is intended to lead to the completion of a PhD thesis.
The PhD appointment at Tilburg University begins with a period of 12 months. Continuation of the appointment with another 36 months will be based on performance evaluation.
The gross salary for the PhD position amounts € 2.325  per month in the first year, rising to € 2.972 per month in the fourth year, based on a full-time appointment (38 hours per week).

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