Академическая Работа
в Нидерландах

PhD Visual Analytics for deep image-to-image models in medical imaging, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Зарплата 2325 - 2972 евро/мес.
Контракт 4 года.
Город Эйндховен, Нидерланды.
Место работы Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Эта позиция уже занята. Отправьте заявку и мы подберем Вам похожую

  • You are enthusiastic about research in visual analytics and machine learning;
  • You have experience with or a strong background in visualization, visual analytics and/or machine learning. Preferably you finished a master in Computer Science, (Applied) Mathematics, (Applied) Physics or Electrical Engineering;
  • Expertise in the fields of explainable AI is a plus but not mandatory;
  • You have strong programming skills;
  • You have good communication skills and are able to work in a team;
  • You are creative, ambitious, hardworking and persistent;
  • You have a good command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not required).  
Условия работы:
  • A fixed-term, full-time contract for four years at Eindhoven University of Technology
  • A salary is in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2.325 per month initially, to € 2.972 in the fourth year.
  • An attractive package of fringe benefits, including end-of-year bonus (8,3% in December), an extra holiday allowance (8% in May), moving expenses and excellent sports facilities.
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