Академическая Работа
в Нидерландах

PhD Optimization methods for aberration compensation, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Зарплата 2325 - 2972 евро/мес.
Контракт 1 + 3 года.
Город Эйндховен, Нидерланды.
Место работы Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
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As a PhD student your tasks are the following:

  • Perform scientific research in the described domain;
  • Present results at international conferences;
  • Publish results in scientific journals;
  • Participate in activities of the group and the department;
  • Assist SC-staff in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses (at most 20 % of the time).


We are looking for talented, enthusiastic PhD candidates who meet the following requirements:

  • An MSc in (applied) mathematics, physics or a related discipline with a strong back- ground in computational physics;
  • Experience with Matlab and preferably C or C++;
  • Creative, pro-active team player with good analytical skills;
  • Good communicative skills in English, both written and oral.
Условия работы:
  • A full-time appointment for a period of four years, with an intermediate evaluation after nine months;
  • A gross salary of Euro 2325 per month in the first year increasing up to  Euro 2972 per month in the fourth year;
  • Support for your personal development and career planning including courses, summer schools, conference visits, etc.;
  • A research position in an enthusiastic and internationally renowned research group;
  • A broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, saving schemes, excellent sport facilities, and child daycare).
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