Академическая Работа
в Нидерландах

Postdoc Cancer Biology, Organoid Technology, Protein Engineering, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology

Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology

Зарплата 3351 - 4615 евро/мес.
Контракт 1 год + продление.
Город Утрехт, Нидерланды.
Место работы Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology
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Your qualifications

  • PhD with a strong background in cell biology, biochemistry, or related disciplines.
  • High level of motivation, curiosity, dedication and responsibility.
  • Demonstrated scientific productivity, as evidenced by a strong publication record in top tier journals. 
  • Advanced experience in studying the structure-function relationship of ligand-receptor interactions and signal transduction is required.
  • Experience in protein biochemistry and protein engineering is a plus.
  • Strong motivation, attention to detail, flexibility, and the ability to work within a multi-disciplinary environment is critical.
  • Excellent English writing and verbal communication skills are required.
Условия работы:

Fixed-term contract: One year, with the intention to extend.

We offer

  • We offer a full-time position (based on 36 hours a week) in a very stimulating and interactive research environment. You will also have the opportunity to actively collaborate with various research groups at the Princess Máxima Center. 
  • The contract will be initially for one year, with the intention to extend.  
  • Your gross monthly salary will be based on your experience and background and will include 8,33% holiday allowance and 8,33 % end-of-year bonus. 
  • The Princess Máxima Center operates according to the collective labor agreement ‘CAO ziekenhuizen’.
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